God is the creator and ruler of the universe. Jesus Christ is the Son of God. The Holy Spirit is available to the believer, sanctified to God. The Bible is the inspired word of God, and without error. People are made in the image of God yet are separated from him by sin. Salvation is God’s gift to us, if we choose to accept it. Only by trusting in Jesus Christ can anyone be saved from sin’s penalty. People are created to exist for eternity. Either with God or separated from Him because of sin.

We strive to be ambassadors for Christ, and agents of change in our community. We preach the message of Salvation through the forgiveness of sins by the blood of Jesus Christ. Our primary focus being to introduce new believers to a greater understanding of a life lived out for Christ, empowered by the Holy Spirit.
We can change the world if we… REACH the lost in the name of Jesus Christ; TEACH the Word of Jesus; SEND the message of Christ out into the community and world.